Hi, my name is Víctor Izquierdo Alegre

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About Me

I'm Víctor Izquierdo Alegre, a passionate UNITY PROGRAMMER who is on the lookout for another opportunity in the game industry.

Throughout these years I have made video games, focusing on GAMEPLAY and UI PROGRAMMING. Check out a collection of projects I've worked on over the years!

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Scape - MMO [2024]

Contributed to the UI development of an MMO game at Ringtail Interactive by translating Figma designs into Unity using UI Toolkit. Developed custom UI controls to enhance functionality and followed the MVVM architectural pattern.

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Desktop UI [2024]

The Desktop UI prototype emulates the functionality of a desktop, facilitating the management and creation of new applications through the utilization of ScriptableObjects. This UI adapts seamlessly to various resolutions. Furthermore, the settings window implements the MVP pattern to effectively separate concerns.

Sector 77: La Resistencia - AR Mobile Application [2023]

Application developed for Mind Trips. It is a continuation of Sector 77 with additional features. Furthermore, it also has Augmented Reality using Vuforia Engine.

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Time-Tick Cemetery [2023]

Born during a gamejam, this project has undergone significant development. It features code refactoring, the addition of mobile control functionality, support for keyboard and controller inputs, along with data-saving, and an improved visual style.

Gem Maker Tycoon - Final Degree Project [2023]

The final project for my Bachelor's degree in Video Game Design and Development. I created an idle game from scratch, drawing inspiration from the games developed by Codigames. Notable responsibilities included programming the gameplay, implementing the UI, and creating the assets.

Sector 77 - AR Mobile Application [2023]

During my internship in Mind Trips I developed a complementary mobile app for an escape room. This app features Augmented Reality using Vuforia Engine.

Lambda Project V - [2022]

I developed this game as part of a university subject. It's a rogue-like game featuring a procedurally generated level, four types of enemies, and a final boss battle.

Fountain of Memories - [2022]

This game was developed by a team of five members. It's a narrative novel with engaging minigames. I had the responsibility of developing these minigames, a total of four.


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